For a Catholic ceremony in Greece, the following is required:
- Copies of the passports (photocopy) of the couple (bride and groom)
- Birth certificate of the bride and groom with the names of their parents
- Baptism certificate
- Confirmation certificate:
You must obtain this certificate from the ward where you were baptized.
If the date of your confirmation is not given in the church in which you were baptized, you should get it from the church in which the confirmation took place.
Give these papers to your pastor who will carry out the preventive examinations and catechism instructions - Certificate that there is no impediment to marriage from the town hall. Written permission must be obtained from your Bishop to have your marriage performed
out of your Parish and here in Greece. - Nulla Osta. This is created by the bishop of the area where the couple lives and is sent to the local bishop where the wedding will be held.
- Certificate confirming that you have taken Pre-Cana courses
- If applicable, certificate of divorce from civil and religious authorities. Please provide a certified copy of the Absolute Decree
Important information:
- All documents must not be older than 3 months before the wedding day
- All documents must be emailed to us for review at least 6 weeks prior to the wedding
- You must bring the original documents with you when you come for the wedding